Note: This Page is Still in Progress
Roleplay OCs
Paulie Chesters (Collaborative writing, deleted rp server) she/her - A young Filipino-Irish writer and bartender with hEDS and a baby that is definitely human. Really. Don't look at them too close. Don't think about the fact she wasn't pregnant for nine months. Or that it's always asleep. It's fiiiiiine.
Crispín (Collaborative writing with the twin, Exandria) he/him - One of two tiefling twins, Crispín is a Bard of Swords/Rogue who loves the hurdy-gurdy, the souvenirs, and above all, his sister.
Seren (Collaborative writing, Hadestown) they/them - One of Hades's secretaries, very intelligent, manipulative, and charismatic, physically disabled in a way that interacts wierdly with the underworld, who is allowed to remember. Very beguiling, at it's core this character is a musing on complicity.
Cahya Saad (Pathfinder 2e/Golarion) she/they - My disaster bi half-elf juggler with a happy, healthy family who got into the business via mail fraud
Kahri D'Laïo (DnD 5e/Custom world by my friend numbers) she/her - My Monk/Fighter Master of Naval Affairs who survived a ship wreck where the other survivors left her for dead because she was an injured pre-teen. Dude had badass stats and so it was easy to write off her survival, and slow ascension in the ranks, because she was always a touch too capable, rather than because of any particular super talent.
Landon John Valerie De Rolo Gray (Dnd 5e/Exandria) he/him - My high-strung, overthinking, well-dressed aasimir bastard. He's a professional tailor/jeweler/lace maker (so basically a stylist) with a cat canon (a cat-non) and a watch gun. Currently Artillerist Artificer 5/Wizard 1.
Other characters I rp
Orpheus and Hermes from Hadestown (Hermes based on a combination of Vermont Hermes and my understanding of the mythical figure, and Orpheus with dialogue written in rhyme and meter).
Original Writing OCs
Char (A Charcoal Portrait) - Vent OC
The Pigeons (Project I'm currently plotting) - Dystopian WIP about an isolated community that both respects and deeply, vividly, fears birds.